Educational courses in institutions

Education with new priorities

How can a group of around 70 boys - ages 13 - get sex education in a gym without having to say anything? They should get close to their bodies without actually touching them. Nothing should be embarrassing to them in front of their classmates. Statistically, more than half don't like their bodies. They would never open up really important questions to their classmates. Statistically speaking, two of them are currently experiencing attacks in your families. One of them reported sick in advance, I suspect, but one is here. I'm sitting in the middle of the hall, my assistant is sitting on the edge. Its task is to pay attention to obvious excessive demands and, if necessary, to offer help. In the hall there are mats all over the place. Now the door opens and the first storm into the hall. Some snatch the mats and twist into a corner, about seven. They lie under the mats as if they were the bed covers. They are loud. Others move as a clique towards mats and stay close together. Wagenburgs. They eye me curiously. Others look for a mat and keep a distance. A social installation has emerged that tells me a lot. I explain that everyone can leave the room without expecting any trouble, but they should be calm. It gets quieter but not quiet. Sure, of course. I move towards the loudest and personally offer them again to be able to leave the room. Nobody goes. Everything is so unusual. It gets quiet when I start speaking. What's all this about? You should meet her body while I take my language with me on a dream trip into the body of a boy - 13 years old. I want to achieve friendship between their attention and their body, especially attention with the body parts that are important for sexuality and for their identity as a man or whatever. Speaking and as if in passing, I am moving towards those who cannot stand the situation and think they have to joke. You will calm down. You don't want me to come back. A large part seems to be able to join the trip. Many listen to me, but they watch me. The dream journey comes to an end. Then a couple of them ask questions about the trip. Why did I recommend that you cut your pubic hair regularly. I answer how important I find it that they regularly look at their body, shape it and think about how it best expresses it. You should be kind to him. All questions are general, they are questions about my dream trip, not about them. Talking is easier there. In a second round of discussions, I use the painted body outline - something that has already established itself everywhere in educational classes. The students should now be the experts and talk about bodies in general, what they already know. Many bring content that lets their porn consumption shine through. Is it good to watch porn? If you know, I answer that you don't get to see reality there, but flat animal basic stimuli for men. This is fun and it should be. But porn says nothing about women and men and relationships and roles. Many seem to have thought that before. They are more courageous than asking the first women and getting others on board. Why do women paint their nails? That is very old, I say, comes from the time when women still wanted to symbolize their fertility. To make it clear that they already have their days. Other colors were added later for fashion reasons. And the lips are asked, and so it goes on. In between, I see from the corner of my eye that my assistant goes out with three boys. Will they have the opportunity to grasp their motivation elsewhere? My employee worked with girls at the same time. It didn't have ideal conditions. Your room was too small. Such large groups are really not helpful either. We mostly work with smaller groups, each client can name his or her conditions and wishes. But our goal always remains to bring those seeking advice into friendship with their bodies, because only if they appreciate it will they protect it. After the event, two girls come to us and ask where they can learn such advice and we explain it to them. We are very happy about the question: Sarah Lena Wabbel and me, Lothar Sandfort.
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