Advice to the addressees
Sustainable concepts against sexualized attacks require the involvement of the people who are meant as addressees: women and men who have experienced attacks or are at risk. This is not easy for an external advice center. Stefan Hofherr * publishes results of studies on the disclosure behavior of affected young people (disclosure = disclosure). He points out that "those affected most often spoke to peers, somewhat less often with parents and rarely with professionals." He states more precisely: "When young people have spoken to outsiders, it is mostly with their peers outside school (32%) and classmates (30%)." Only 1% of those affected have turned to advice centers or the youth welfare office. The more trust young people have in their conversation partners, the more they turn to them. The less crisis-like the usual conversations are, the easier it is for heavily loaded content to fall. The fewer sanction options the informed have, the more likely the injured are to open up. The ISBB therefore favors a permanent form of advice for addressees of youth welfare and disability aid on various, also positive experiences and desires of sexuality and partnership. Sarah Laouini and / or Dipl.-Psych are the peer counselors. Lothar Sandfort available. Sarah Laouini has many years of experience as a Care Leaver, Lothar Sandfort is a paraplegic. * Stefan Hofherr in "Sexual Violence in Pedagogical Contexts", editor: Martin Wazlawik et al. (2018), Springer VS. Stefan Hofherr is a scientific consultant at the German Youth Institute in Munich.